
czwartek, 18 czerwca 2015

Eternal freedom

What does it mean to be free? To live the life you choose? To stay true to yourself and your ideals? I guess it might be extremely hard to achieve especially these days in the era of social media, sheer volume of information and loneliness. We are surrounded with trends, fashion not necessarily suitable for us, models and fashion icons. Sometimes we might feel like prisoners stuffed with things "they" want to sell and promote...This is exactly what I am talking about, there's nothing odd or bad to fallow fashion, blogers and know what is on in current trends but it can become bad when you loose yourself and get carried away with it. The best thing is to know who you are and what is in your heart. Fashion is to play with it, to mix styles and to stay yourself as much as it can be possible.
Once some old, wise lady told me I should have lived in other life time...Till now I have no idea what exactly she meant but I know one thing, she was right! For me freedom lies in every detail of your style and it expresses who you are underneath everyday mask. Well what more can I say? In my previous life I was a hippie for sure. Simply, happy and free person wearing oversized dresses with floral prints and...yeah just tell me what boho means to you?


Wearing: silk limited Debenhams edition floral dress, brown vintage leather boots, River Island brown leather handbag, vintage silver jewellery and H&M Aviators 

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